DC's Legends of Tomorrow أساطير الغد

When he learns of a nefarious plan to bring about the apocalypse, Rip Hunter puts together a team of unique individuals, both heroes and villains, to prevent an event that could spell the end for time itself.

The team continues their adventures through time, becoming entangled with Nazis, the KGB, and an old enemy as they pursue Damien Darhk through time.

When the Legends inadvertently cause damage to the timeline, they seek to correct the anachronisms they caused. But their mission is hindered by Rip Hunter's machinations as he secretly plots to use them for his own agenda.

Constantine tells Sarah of a new magical threat that leads the team to Woodstock. He believes he knows how to defeat the new threat, but he will need the help of the team and their special talents.

The Legends are back to save Earth from a big disaster with their fellow friends from parallel worlds, but before that, they have to fix what they did wrong in the past.