Index: Names start with letter: ج

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
30951) Giovanni Vaccaro Actor
30952) Giovanni Franzoni Actor
30953) Giovanni Frezza Italy Actor
30954) Giovani Florido Actor
30955) Giovanni Forest Actor
30956) Giovanni Fusco Italy Sound Engineer 10 October 1906
30957) Giovanni Funiati Actor
30958) Giovanni Vettorazzo Italy Actor 11 October 1953
30959) Giovanni V. Giusti US Actor
30960) Giovanni Federico Actor
30961) Giovanni Veronesi France Writer 31 August 1962
30962) Giovanni Filidoro Actor
30963) Giovanni Fiore Coltellacci US Cinematographer
30964) Giovanni Calcagno Actor
30965) Giovanni Canevari Italy Cinematographer 16 May 1967
30966) Giovannie Cruz Actor
30967) Giovanni Cristoff US Actor
30968) Giovanni Litrico Actor
30969) Giovani Lampassi Cinematographer
30970) Giovanni Lopes Actor
30971) Giovanni Ludeno Italy Actor
30972) Giovanni Lombardo Radice Italy Actor 23 September 1954
30973) Giovanni Lista Writer
30974) Giovanni Masi Writer
30975) Giovanni Mavilla Actor
30976) Giovanni Malagò Italy Actor
30977) Giovanni Maini Actor
30978) Giovanni Morichelli Actor
30979) Giovanni Morricone Italy Actor
30980) Giovanni Mauriello Actor
30981) Giovanni Nasta Actor
30982) Giovannino Esposito Actor
30983) Giovanni Nuvoletti Italy Actor 16 October 1912
30984) Geof Bartz US Editor 3 December 1943
30985) Geoff Barrow US Music Composer 9 December 1971
30986) Geoff Burrowes Director
30987) Geoff Bussetil Writer
30988) Geoff Boyle Cinematographer 20 July 1950
30989) Geoffrey Edwards US Writer
30990) Geoffrey Anderson Actor
30991) Geoffrey Andrews Actor
30992) Geoffrey Orthwein Writer
30993) Geoffrey Bowes Canada Actor
30994) Geoffrey Bayldon UK Actor 7 January 1924
30995) Geoffrey Beevers UK Actor
30996) Geoffrey Thompson Actor
30997) Geoffrey Toone Ireland Actor
30998) Geoffrey Gunn Writer
30999) Geoffrey Jenkins South Africa Writer 16 June 1920
31000) Geoffrey Gould US Actor