Index: Names start with letter: ع

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
3001) Abdullah Azmy Egypt
3002) Abd Allah Asiri Saudi Arabia Actor 30 July 1961
3003) Abdullah Atallah Lebanon Actor
3004) Abdullah Atawi Actor
3005) Abdallah Ifer Actor
3006) Abdullah Aqeel United Arab Emirates Actor
3007) Abdullah Ali Egypt Actor
3008) Abd Allah Aly Saudi Arabia Actor 30 January 2001
3009) Abdullah Ali Al Tabour United Arab Emirates Writer
3010) Abdollah AliKhani Iran Actor 22 December 1949
3011) Abdullah Alio Syria Actor 28 April 1966
3012) Abdullah Awaad Egypt Editor
3013) Abdallah Aouich Tunisia Actor
3014) Abdullah Issa Kuwait Writer
3015) Abdullah Essa El Mansour Kuwait Actor 5 August 1979
3016) Abdullah Ghallush Egypt Writer
3017) Abduallah Ghaloum Kuwait Actor 21 April 1944
3018) Abdullah Ghaloum Al Saleh Kuwait Writer
3019) Abdallah Gheith Egypt Actor 28 January 1930
3020) Abdullah Givan Qatar Actor
3021) Abdullah Fahs Lebanon Actor 1 May 2001
3022) Abdullah Farada Algeria Actor
3023) Abdullah Farhatullah Actor
3024) Abdallah Farghaly Egypt Actor 3 March 1928
3025) Abdellah Ferkous Morocco Actor 2 February 1965
3026) Abdullah Farid Kuwait Actor 13 September 1977
3027) Abd Allah Faridy Lebanon Actor
3028) Abdullah Fadl Egypt Actor
3029) Abd Allah Fekry Abazah Egypt Producer
3030) Abdullah Falah Iraq Actor
3031) Abdullah Fahhad Saudi Arabia Actor
3032) Abdullah Fahmy Egypt Actor
3033) Abdullah Fouad Egypt Art Director
3034) Abdullah Fawaz Lebanon Actor
3035) Abdalla fawzy Egypt Director 13 January 2003
3036) Abdoulaye Fofana Actor
3037) Abdullah Qasim Saudi Arabia Actor
3038) Abdullah Qabili Lebanon Director
3039) Abdullah Qureo Libya Actor
3040) Abdullah Kamel Egypt Actor
3041) Abdullah Kadwani Pakistan Writer
3042) Abdullah Lama Egypt Actor
3043) Abdellah Lebkiri Actor
3044) Abd Allah Majed Saudi Arabia Director
3045) Abdullah Mal Allah Kuwait Actor 25 November 1985
3046) Abdallah Mohamed Egypt Actor
3047) Abdallah Mohamed Egypt Make-up Artist
3048) Abdullah Mohammed Al-Sharhan Writer
3049) Abdullah Mohammed Abdullah Egypt Actor
3050) Abdullah Mahmoud Egypt Actor 6 December 1959