Index: Names start with letter: B

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
851) Barry Brooks US Actor 4 January 1910
852) Barry Brooker Producer
853) Barrie Britton Actor
854) Barry Primus US Actor 16 February 1938
855) Barry Blake Actor
856) Barry Bostwick US Actor 24 February 1945
857) Barry Poltermann Editor
858) Barry Bonds US Actor
859) Barry Piacente Actor
860) Barry Pepper Canada Actor 4 April 1970
861) Barry Peters US Editor
862) Barry Peterson Canada Cinematographer
863) Barry Berfield Actor
864) Barry Pearl US Actor
865) Barry Berman Writer
866) Barry Pickthall Actor
867) Barry B. Leirer Editor
868) Barry Tubb Actor
869) Barry Tarallo Actor
870) Barry Taff Actor
871) Barret Oliver Actor
872) Barrett Burgin Writer
873) Barrett Perlman US Actor
874) Barrett Doss US Actor
875) Barry Trivers Writer
876) Barri Tsavaris US Actor
877) Barrett Shuler Actor
878) Barrie Chase US Actor 20 October 1933
879) Barrett Foa Actor
880) Barrett Leddy Actor
881) Barret Hackney US Actor
882) Barrett Heathcote Editor
883) Barry Tomkinson UK Actor
884) Barrett Wilbert Weed US Actor 6 November 1988
885) Barry Te Hira Actor
886) Barry Jackson US Actor 29 March 1938
887) Barry Jacobs Writer
888) Barrie Gower Costume Designer
889) Barry Jay Writer
890) Barry Jay Minoff US Actor
891) Barry Gray Writer
892) Barry Gray UK Music Composer 18 July 1908
893) Barry Greaves Art Director
894) Bari Goodis Editor
895) Barry Gordon US Actor 21 December 1948
896) Barry Josephson US Producer 2 April 1956
897) Barry Goldwater US Actor 2 January 1909
898) Barry Julien Writer
899) Barry John Actor
900) Barry Jones Actor