Index: Names start with letter: B

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
10151) Bernard Marbaix Actor
10152) Bernard Marcellin Actor
10153) Bernard McEveety Director
10154) Bernard Miles UK Actor 27 September 1907
10155) Bernard Menez France Actor
10156) Bernard Hill UK Actor 17 December 1944
10157) Bernardo Bertolucci Italy Writer 16 March 1941
10158) Bernard Waber Writer
10159) Bernard Fresson France Actor 27 May 1931
10160) Birna Rún Eiríksdóttir Actor
10161) Berna Koraltürk Turkey Actor
10162) Berna Konur Actor
10163) Berna Kenshin US Actor
10164) Bernt Balchen Actor
10165) Burnett Guffey Cinematographer
10166) Burn Gorman US Actor 1 September 1974
10167) Berne Giler US Writer
10168) Bernadette Corstens Costume Designer
10169) Brendan Bradley Actor
10170) Bernd Eichinger Germany Writer 11 April 1949
10171) Bernd Eilert Germany Writer 20 June 1949
10172) Bernd Bergmair Actor
10173) Bernd Tauber Actor
10174) Bernd Strack Writer
10175) Bernd Stegemann Germany Actor
10176) Bernd Schurer Music Composer
10177) Bernd Schirmer Germany Writer
10178) Bernd-Christian Althoff Germany Actor
10179) Bernd Kostrau Actor
10180) Bernd Lange Germany Writer
10181) Bernd Lepel Art Director
10182) Bernd Lindemann Actor
10183) Berend McKenzie Actor
10184) Bernd Würch Actor
10185) Bernd Jeschek Austria Actor 10 January 1949
10186) Burns Burns Actor
10187) Burns Burns Actor
10188) Bern Collaço Actor
10189) Bernhard Schlink Germany Writer 6 July 1944
10190) Bernhard Schütz Germany Actor 24 February 1959
10191) Bernhard Wicki Austria Actor 28 October 1919
10192) Bernhard Henrich US Art Director
10193) Bern Hoffman US Actor 17 February 1913
10194) Bernie Ask Actor
10195) Bernie Ecclestone Actor
10196) Berny Ignatius India Music Composer
10197) Bernie E. Gomez Editor
10198) Bernie Pollack Actor
10199) Bernie Gewissler Producer
10200) Bernie Denk Director