Index: Names start with letter: V

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
3951) Vince Marcello Writer
3952) Vince McMahon US Producer 24 August 1945
3953) Vince McKewin US Writer
3954) Vince Murdock Actor
3955) Vince Murdocco Actor
3956) Vince Metcalfe Actor
3957) Vince Miranda US Actor
3958) Vince Melocchi Actor
3959) Vince Nappo Actor
3960) Vincent Ebrahim South Africa Actor
3961) Vincent Assmann Germany Editor 18 November 1976
3962) Vincent Salvador Actor
3963) Vincent Eaton Actor
3964) Vincent Patar Director 2 September 1965
3965) Vincent Paquot Actor
3966) Vincent Palmieri Actor
3967) Vincent Bayoux Director
3968) Vincent Brancon Producer
3969) Vincent Booms Graphic Designer
3970) Vincent Berry Actor
3971) Vincent Chase Actor
3972) Vincent Grass Belgium Actor 9 January 1949
3973) Vincent Grashaw Actor 30 June 1981
3974) Vincent Damman Actor
3975) Vincent D'Onofrio US Actor 30 June 1957
3976) Vincent de Jesus Philippines Actor 10 June 1968
3977) Vincent Desiderio Art Director
3978) Vincent Radwinsky Actor
3979) Vincent Riotta Actor 3 January 1959
3980) Vincent Zhou Writer
3981) Vincent Cirelli US Graphic Designer
3982) Vincent Spano US Actor 18 October 1962
3983) Vincent Stone Actor
3984) Vincent Shade Director
3985) Vincent Foster Actor
3986) Vincent Fontannaz Actor
3987) Vincent Fuentes Actor
3988) Vincent Vieillard-Baron US Cinematographer
3989) Vincent Cappello Writer
3990) Vincent Cahay Music Composer
3991) Vincent Collin Actor
3992) Vincent Kesteloot Director
3993) Vincent Lamoureux France Actor
3994) Vincent Macaigne France Actor 19 October 1978
3995) Vincent Mikolay US Actor
3996) Vincent Melilli Producer
3997) Vincent Mentry Actor
3998) Vincent Heneine Lebanon Actor
3999) Vincent Womack Actor
4000) Vince Neil US Writer