Index: Names start with letter: ب

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
17901) Bernard Fresson France Actor 27 May 1931
17902) Birna Rún Eiríksdóttir Actor
17903) Prerna Saigal India Editor
17904) Berna Koraltürk Turkey Actor
17905) Berna Konur Actor
17906) Berna Kenshin US Actor
17907) Bernt Balchen Actor
17908) Burnett Guffey Cinematographer
17909) Burn Gorman US Actor 1 September 1974
17910) Berne Giler US Writer
17911) Bernadette Corstens Costume Designer
17912) Brendan Bradley Actor
17913) Bernd Eichinger Germany Writer 11 April 1949
17914) Bernd Eilert Germany Writer 20 June 1949
17915) Bernd Bergmair Actor
17916) Bernd Tauber Actor
17917) Bernd Strack Writer
17918) Bernd Stegemann Germany Actor
17919) Bernd Schurer Music Composer
17920) Bernd Schirmer Germany Writer
17921) Bernd-Christian Althoff Germany Actor
17922) Bernd Kostrau Actor
17923) Bernd Lange Germany Writer
17924) Bernd Lepel Art Director
17925) Bernd Lindemann Actor
17926) Berend McKenzie Actor
17927) Bernd Würch Actor
17928) Bernd Jeschek Austria Actor 10 January 1949
17929) Burns Burns Actor
17930) Burns Burns Actor
17931) Bern Collaço Actor
17932) Bernhard Schlink Germany Writer 6 July 1944
17933) Bernhard Schütz Germany Actor 24 February 1959
17934) Bernhard Wicki Austria Actor 28 October 1919
17935) Bernhard Henrich US Art Director
17936) Bern Hoffman US Actor 17 February 1913
17937) Bernie Ask Actor
17938) Pernia Qureshi India Actor
17939) Bernie Ecclestone Actor
17940) Berny Ignatius India Music Composer
17941) Bernie E. Gomez Editor
17942) Bernie Pollack Actor
17943) Bernie Gewissler Producer
17944) Bernie Denk Director
17945) Bernie Wrightson US Actor
17946) Bernice Alstock US Actor 1 December 1899
17947) Bernie Sanders US Actor
17948) Bernice Radom US Actor
17949) Bernice Liu Canada Actor 6 January 1979
17950) Bernie Su Writer