Index: Names start with letter: س

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
18451) Sevval Aydin Turkey Actor
18452) سيف فيلم Egypt Producer
18453) Seif Katybon Tunisia Actor
18454) Sevket Çoruh Actor
18455) Seif Mardini Actor
18456) Saif Mohammad Egypt Art Director
18457) Saif Moataz Iraq Actor
18458) Seif Momtaz Egypt Director
18459) Saif Mamdouh Egypt Actor
18460) Saif Mansour Egypt Actor
18461) Saif Manzour United Arab Emirates Actor
18462) Sven Blume Editor
18463) Sven De Ridder Actor
18464) Sven Nordqvist Germany Writer 30 April 1946
18465) Saif Hani El Shafaei Egypt Actor
18466) Saif Hammash Palestine Writer
18467) Saif Hano Egypt Actor 30 September 1989
18468) Seif Hanno Egypt Actor 30 September 1989
18469) Saifu China Director
18470) Sephora Françoise Actor
18471) Sipho Mabuse Actor
18472) Sifu Williams Actor
18473) Sivuyile Ngesi South Africa Actor
18474) Sevda Bas Turkey Actor
18475) Syafira Haddad Actor
18476) C. Virgil Gheorghiu Romania Writer 15 September 1916
18477) Sevier Crespo Puerto Rico Actor
18478) Severina Spakovska Actor
18479) Severn Darden US Actor
18480) Severija Bielskyte Actor
18481) Severija Janusauskaite Lithuania Actor 22 October 1981
18482) Séverine Berthelot Actor
18483) Séverine Degilhage Actor
18484) Séverine Ragé Actor
18485) Séverine Charrie Actor
18486) Séverin Favriau France Sound Engineer
18487) Séverine Litzenburger Actor
18488) Sèverine Howell-Meri Actor
18489) Séverine Warneys Actor
18490) Severino Sperandio Actor
18491) Sifiso Maphanga Actor
18492) Sefi Atta Writer
18493) C.V. France Actor
18494) Sefika Tolun Turkey Actor 27 May 1961
18495) C.V. Kumar Producer
18496) C. V. Kumar India Producer 14 April 1979
18497) Sevil Aki Turkey Actor 9 September 1971
18498) svilena nikolova Actor
18499) Sevil Shirgi Actor
18500) C. V. Mohan India Producer