Index: People with nationality "Germany"

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
951) Adrian Wahlen Germany Actor
952) Christina Drechsler Germany Actor
953) Birge Schade Germany Actor 7 February 1965
954) Susanne Bormann Germany Actor
955) Friedrich Mücke Germany Actor 12 March 1981
956) Gabriele Walther Germany Writer
957) Percy Adlon Germany Writer
958) Oliver Stoltz Germany Writer
959) Wolfgang Pissors Germany Actor
960) Johann Jürgens Germany Actor
961) Daniel Roesner Germany Actor
962) Gudrun Landgrebe Germany Actor
963) Peter Weiss Germany Actor
964) André Frid Germany Actor
965) Ulrich Cyran Germany Actor
966) Clemens Schick Germany Actor 15 February 1972
967) Annette Lober Germany Actor
968) Andreas Dresen Germany Director 16 August 1963
969) Claudia Geisler-Bading Germany Actor
970) Cooky Ziesche Germany Writer
971) Mika Seidel Germany Actor
972) Ulrich Matthes Germany Actor 9 May 1959
973) Christine Schorn Germany Actor
974) Matthias Weidenhöfer Germany Actor
975) Inka Friedrich Germany Actor 1 November 1965