In the aftermath of World War II, Hercule Poirot lives in Venice, Italy, far from his past, but when a mysterious murder occurs, Poirot must give up his retirement and unravel the mystery of the...Read more crime.
The events revolve around John Kramer, who travels to Mexico in search of treatment for his terminal cancer. When he discovers that he has been deceived by a group of crooks; John decides to take...Read more revenge on them.
Teenager Jonny Baptiste goes to live with her aunt Hildie, and on her eighteenth birthday, she experiences a strange transformation due to a mysterious family spell. When a group of teenage girls at...Read more her new school disappear, Jonny seeks to track down the mythical monster responsible.
A woman lives in isolation and a world of anxiety in her home. However, she finds herself forced to fight an alien that broke into the house.
The story follows a serial killer who goes to a small town in Massachusetts in order to make a Thanksgiving carving board out of the town's residents.
A psychiatrist who treats patients with personality problems develops an obsession with one of her own cases.
After years of estrangement, two sisters are reunited in horrific circumstances, when demons threaten their lives, and they find themselves in a battle for survival faced with a terrifying nightmare.
Vicaria dreams of searching for a cure that will enable humanity to survive and eliminate death, but on her way, she faces many challenges and terrifying horrors.
Two years after her escape during an attack on her family, Becky seeks to rebuild her life again with the care of an elderly woman named Elena, but when a gang appears and attacks the house, Becky...Read more must confront them to protect the one she loves