Told through flashbacks between 1961 and 1907, the film shows author P.L Travers' childhood and enigmatic personality, and follows the tense and comic relationship between her and Walt Disney as they...Read more meet and negotiate the production of a film adaptation of Travers' book "Mary Poppins."
During the Cold War era between the US and the former Soviet Union, the true story of the legendary American chess player Bobby Fischer (Toby Maguire), and the circumstances of his confrontation with...Read more his Russian counterpart Boris Spassky (Liev Schreiber) in a high level game of chess.
In the 1960s where racism was prevalent, two African-American businessmen hire a middle-class white man to pose as their head, while they assume the roles of his janitor and chauffeur.
The true story of thirteen-year-old William Kamkuamb who lives with his family in a village in Malawi. After a drought threatens the village with famine, he discovers a way to build a windmill to save...Read more his village from starvation.
(Jamal Malik) a poor youngster who grew up in Mumbai, becomes the contestant on the Indian version of (Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?). He is arrested for suspected cheating on the program. While...Read more he's interrogated ,the events show his difficult history that explains why he answers the questions.
In 1999, Ken Carter accepts a job to coach the high school basketball team, in the lower-class area of Richmond. Carter, who is a star athlete, is disappointed with his team's attitude and...Read more performance, and decides to impose strict rules to improve his team and teach them the importance of academic success.
The story of an ambitious young man who stumbles upon the underground of Los Angeles freelance crime journalism.
The story depicts the struggle of a young music student to become a top jazz drummer, and his complicated relationship with his cruel jazz band leader, who uses unorthodox methods to train the...Read more students.