The prequel to "Breaking Bad",the series deals with the life of the ambitious lawyer Saul Goodman, who defended the poor and helpless before he got to know Walter White and his life became full of...Read more tribulations and mysterious cases that have no logical explanation.
Eve, a bored intelligence officer who dreams of being a spy, finds her deadly match in the talented assassin Villanelle. As the two women become obsessed with each other, they engage in an...Read more enthusiastic game of cat-and-mouse that fulfills Eve's fantasies.
The series revolves around a successful criminal defense professor, who teaches a group of law school students how to commit and escape crime, instead of explaining the law itself. They all get...Read more involved in a murder plot, which will change their whole lives.
Set in 1920s, it's the story of Enoch Thompson, the treasurer of Atlantic County. Thompson was a politician and a gangster in the same time. With a lavish lifestyle, the federal government starts to...Read more take an interest in him.
The story follows Dexter, a forensics expert in the Miami Police Department who commits crimes himself at night as a serial killer who hunts down those whom he believes have evaded justice.
The unlikely encounter between the immoral Lorne Malvo and the insurance salesman Lester Nygaard results in the former casually murdering Sam Hess for bullying Nygaard. What follows is a set of...Read more violent crimes investigated by Chief Vern Thurman and Deputy Molly Solverson to uncover the truth.
Years after they got assigned to investigate a strange murder, detectives Rust Cohle and Martin Hart are drawn back into their old lives to reflect on the connection between a series of murders and...Read more disappearances that terrorized a community in Louisiana.
U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens is a a strong-willed law-man who returns to his hometown in eastern Kentucky to enforce his old-school type of justice.
The 30-year-old Jax finds himself torn between his role as a new father and his involvement in SAMCRO, a biker gang that his father helped to found.