Ex-cop turns into Detective Dominic and takes on what may seem like a simple case to locate the owner of the wallet. However, he reveals a dark web of missing persons, murder, stalking, and a...Read more mysterious dancer, Nandhita.
After receiving a message from her ancestors, Moana sets sail to the distant seas of Oceania on an epic adventure full of dangers, facing many obstacles that she has never encountered before.
It revolves around a half-dog, half-human man who seeks to protect his city, while his arch-enemy, the super cat Petey, hunts down his enemies.
Now that he is the king of the Pride Lands, Simba wants his cub to follow in his footsteps as he investigates the background of his late father, Mufasa.
It follows a black hedgehog named Shadow, who appears and begins to use cunning methods to seek revenge, relying on his extreme intelligence.
In New York City, two detectives, one rookie Mills and one just one week shy of his retirement Somerset, investigate a string of grisly murders, each one representing one of the seven deadly sins.
A pilot flies across the Alaskan wilderness with an Air Marshal and a fugitive headed for trial. As they journey, tensions escalate and trust is put to the test, revealing that not everyone aboard the...Read more plane is who they claim to be.
It follows El Dashash, who owns a nightclub and deals with many enemies all the time, but when he is exposed to a crisis that turns his life upside down, he seeks to transform into a better man.
Suspended cop Vivek Gopinath returns to work and is tasked with solving a 40-year-old murder case, with the victim still unidentified. However, he sets out to solve the mystery that has gone unsolved...Read more for so long.
The events revolve around a Saudi family who follows strict instructions from their grandfather to stay in the desert during the early nineties. However, a series of events shake the family's...Read more foundations, and they find themselves in a struggle between life and death.
A group of pirates hijack a boat full of tourists and force them to dive into deep, shark-infested waters in search of their sunken drugs.