The story follows a young woman and a young man who have been close friends since childhood, and together, they face many different situations and problems with their friends and families, but some...Read more changes suddenly occur in their relationship.
After the despotic rulers that now rule Rome take control of his hometown, Lucius is compelled to enter the Colosseum and must turn to his past to restore Rome's splendor to her citizens.
Roz, a brilliant robot, is left behind on an unpopulated island following a shipwreck. However, Roz tends to an orphaned young goose and forms ties with the island's wildlife in an attempt to survive...Read more the tough surroundings.
Eddie Brock and Venom are forced to make a fateful decision that will end their final dance as they are being pursued by both of their worlds and danger is closing in.
When Santa Claus is abducted, the North Pole's Chief of Security Callum Drift joins forces with the world's most notorious bounty hunter Jack O'Malley in an adrenaline-fueled global mission to rescue...Read more Christmas.
After Jackie Chan receives an invitation to adopt Hu Hu, a zoo panda, a renowned international crime gang targets Hu Hu and offers a huge reward for his capture. When faced with this unexpected...Read more predicament, Jackie calls upon his agent and Hu Hu's loyal caretaker for assistance. Together, they go on an extraordinary journey.
It follows the story of Koala Mannu, who embarks on a great legendary adventure from Australia to the Turkish city of Çanakkale.
Singham sets out on a new chase, as he must work together with his team against a mysterious evil person in order to rescue his wife.
Laila is distressed by her mother's control over her life. When a family member dies, she travels with her mother to Alexandria to attend the funeral, then many comical situations occur during the...Read more presence of the large extended family, which consists of four aunts, their children, and their grandchildren.