In 2154, the impoverished masses are left to survive on a ruined Earth with limited resources and medicine, while the wealthy enjoy their safety and luxury on Elysium, a man-made space station. One...Read more man, Max, takes a mission that could get him to Elysium to bring equality to the two worlds.
Favourite OSN TV Movies Action Channel | Monday 23 December | 05:15 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Movies Action Channel | Saturday 28 December | 10:15 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Movies Action Channel | Saturday 28 December | 09:50 PM | Reminder |
In 2154, the impoverished masses are left to survive on a ruined Earth with limited resources and medicine, while the wealthy enjoy their safety and luxury on Elysium, a man-made...Read more space station. One man, Max, takes a mission that could get him to Elysium to bring equality to the two worlds.