Add/Update Information: Movie - Nixon by Nixon: In His Own Words - 2014

    Basic Details

    Title نيكسون عن نيكسون: بكلماته الخاصة
    Title in English Nixon by Nixon: In His Own Words
    Title's Translation
    Original Title
    Release Year 2014
    Runtime 71
    Category Movie
    Status Released
    Is this a coloured title? Yes
    Egyptian Censorship
    MPAA Censorship
    Movie Budget 0
    Release Date
    4 August 2014 US true
    Filming Locations
    Social Media Links


    Section Actor

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Ramona Banuelos 1
    2) David Brinkley 2
    3) Pat Buchanan 3
    4) Stephen Bull 4
    5) John Chancellor 5
    6) Charles Colson 6
    7) Walter Cronkite 7
    8) John Dean 8
    9) H.R. Haldeman 9
    10) J. Edgar Hoover 10
    11) John F. Kennedy 11
    12) Henry Kissinger 12
    13) Martha Mitchell 13
    14) Richard Nixon 14
    15) Dan Rather 15
    16) Harry Reasoner 16

    Section Producer

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Peter W. Kunhardt Producer 3
    2) George Kunhardt Producer 4

    Section Director

    Name Role/Job Order of appearance Options
    1) Peter W. Kunhardt Director 1

    Section Writer

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    Section Cinematographer

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    Section Sound Engineer

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    Section Costume Designer

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    Section Makeup Artist

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    Section Stuntman

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    Section Music Composer

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    Section Photographer

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    Section Public Relations

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    Section Art Director

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    Section Graphic Designer

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    Section Laboratory

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    Section Casting

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    Section Other

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    Section Dubbing

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    Name Synopses Official ? Options
    Dalia Saad A documentary that reviews the tapes recorded by Richard Nixon of his private conversations in the White House between the years 1971 and 1973, in which he talks about the Vietnam War and the Pentagon Papers leak, among other issues, highlighting some appalling statements he made about women, nonwhites, and Jewish people. 323


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