Index: Names start with letter: ف

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
10751) Felix David Manrique Actor
10752) Felix Salten Writer
10753) Felix Sutton Writer
10754) Felix Ciprian Actor
10755) Felix Silla Italy Actor 11 January 1937
10756) Felix Shuman Actor
10757) Felix Thompson US Director
10758) Felix Forrest Writer
10759) Felix Vossen Actor 11 April 1974
10760) Felix Cameron Actor
10761) Felix Kramer Actor
10762) Felix Coles Art Director
10763) Félix Larivière-Charron Art Director
10764) Felix Leiberg Cinematographer
10765) Felix Montano Actor
10766) Felix Nölle Actor
10767) Felix Herngren Writer 4 February 1967
10768) Felix Yanez UK Actor 15 October 1996
10769) Phil Claydon Director 9 January 1976
10770) Phil Klemmer Writer
10771) Phil Cunningham Writer
10772) Veljko Despotovic Serbia Actor
10773) Phil Cornwell Actor 5 October 1957
10774) Phil Colby Actor
10775) Phil Culotta Actor
10776) Phil Collins UK Actor 30 January 1951
10777) Phil Collinson Producer 19 August 1970
10778) Phil Kerr Writer
10779) Feliks Zemdegs Australia Actor
10780) Phil Keoghan Actor 31 May 1967
10781) Phil LaMarr US Actor 24 January 1967
10782) Phill Langhorne UK Actor
10783) Phil Lawrence Music Composer 17 July 1980
10784) Phil Lord US Producer 12 July 1975
10785) Phil Lollar US Actor
10786) Phil Lewis Actor
10787) Phill Lewis US Director 14 February 1968
10788) Phil Leeds US Actor 6 April 1916
10789) Vilma Ortiz Donovan Actor
10790) Vilma Banky Hungary Actor 9 January 1898
10791) Phil Matarese Actor
10792) Vilma Degischer Austria Actor 17 November 1911
10793) Vilmar Özçinar Turkey Writer
10794) Phill Martin Actor
10795) Phil Marco Argentina Actor 1 January 1935
10796) Vilma Raubaite Actor
10797) Vilma Santos Philippines Actor 3 November 1953
10798) Vilma Szécsi Austria Actor
10799) Phil McKee Actor
10800) Vilma Kutaviciute Russia Actor 15 June 1988