Index: Names start with letter: ف

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
10801) Phil McCall UK Actor
10802) Phil Malandrino Actor
10803) Nile Film Egypt Producer
10804) Vilma Lustosa Producer 22 December 1957
10805) Vilma Melo Actor
10806) Velma Wayland Actor
10807) Film of Egypt Producer
10808) Rome Film Egypt Producer
10809) Abdel Wahaab Films Egypt Distributor
10810) Film Factory Egypt Producer
10811) Phil McGraw US Writer 1 September 1950
10812) Film Clinic Egypt Producer
10813) Filmco. for Universal Productions UK Producer
10814) Film Maker Producer
10815) فيلمنتاج Egypt Producer
10816) Phil Moorhead Writer
10817) Phil Morris US Actor 4 April 1959
10818) Phil Morrison Director 1 January 1968
10819) Vilmos Zsigmond US Cinematographer 16 June 1930
10820) Phil Mossman Music Composer
10821) Phil Monroe US Director
10822) Philemon Wehbe Lebanon Music Composer 5 November 1914
10823) Phil Mead US Actor
10824) Phil Miler Actor
10825) Phil Meheux UK Cinematographer 17 September 1941
10826) Phil Nardozzi Actor
10827) Phil Nibbelink Director 3 June 1955
10828) Phil Notarange Actor
10829) Phil Norden Editor
10830) Phil Nee Actor
10831) Phil Neilson Actor
10832) Ville Haapasalo Finland Actor 28 February 1972
10833) Phil Hartman US Actor 24 September 1948
10834) Phil Harvey Actor
10835) Phil Harvey Art Director 29 August 1976
10836) Phil Harris US Actor 24 June 1904
10837) Phil Hunt Producer
10838) Phil Hanley Writer
10839) Phil Hay US Writer
10840) Phil Heyes Director
10841) Vilhelm Blomgren Sweden Actor 17 July 1991
10842) Wilhelm Behrman Writer
10843) Wilhelm von Homburg Actor
10844) Vilhelm Moberg Sweden Writer
10845) Phil Hope Producer
10846) Phil Haus Actor
10847) Phil Hookay Editor
10848) Phil Hawkins Actor
10849) Phil Hawkins UK Director 26 December 1984
10850) Phil Holliday France Actor