Satirical writer and actor, Ahmed Fahmy, graduated with a degree in political science and economics. He began his career in acting as an amateur in an independent film group called Tamr Hindi during his college years. Tamr Hindi produced many satirical films, among the most...Read more famous Men for Whom Nothing Is Impossible, a parody of the Egyptian movie The Road to Eilat which quickly spread on the internet and was screened in many local cafes. The film caught the interest of writer Mohamed Hefzy, who was making the transition into movie production at the time. After meeting with Fahmy, Hefzy decided to produce Poster and Parody, a TV series that makes fun of various Egyptian films in each episode. Later on, Hefzy would produce Fahmy's movie Encrypted Letter, which Fahmy wrote and acted in, along side his Tamr Hindi colleagues and long time friends Hisham Maged and Chico. All 3 actors won the critic's choice award in 2003 for Best New Actors. Fahmy also wrote the screenplay for The Triplets, starring Ahmed Helmy, as well as Samir, Shahir, and Bahir in which the Tamr Hindi trio co-starred once again.
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Satirical writer and actor, Ahmed Fahmy, graduated with a degree in political science and economics. He began his career in acting as an amateur in an independent film group called...Read more Tamr Hindi during his college years. Tamr Hindi produced many satirical films, among the most famous Men for Whom Nothing Is Impossible, a parody of the Egyptian movie The Road to Eilat which quickly spread on the internet and was screened in many local cafes. The film caught the interest of writer Mohamed Hefzy, who was making the transition into movie production at the time. After meeting with Fahmy, Hefzy decided to produce Poster and Parody, a TV series that makes fun of various Egyptian films in each episode. Later on, Hefzy would produce Fahmy's movie Encrypted Letter, which Fahmy wrote and acted in, along side his Tamr Hindi colleagues and long time friends Hisham Maged and Chico. All 3 actors won the critic's choice award in 2003 for Best New Actors. Fahmy also wrote the screenplay for The Triplets, starring Ahmed Helmy, as well as Samir, Shahir, and Bahir in which the Tamr Hindi trio co-starred once again.