Index: Names start with letter: L

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
10551) Lionel Harris UK Actor 16 August 1922
10552) Lionel Hunter Actor
10553) Lionel Houser Writer
10554) Lionel Hicks Producer 20 August 1964
10555) Lyonel Watts UK Actor
10556) Lionel White US Writer 9 July 1905
10557) Leonello Brandolini Actor
10558) Lionello Pio Di Savoia Actor
10559) Lionello Gennero Actor
10560) Lionel Wigram US Producer
10561) Lionel Wilson US Actor 22 March 1924
10562) Liu Ning Producer
10563) Leon Uris US Writer
10564) Leo Hatton UK Actor
10565) Leo Harlem Spain Actor
10566) Liu Hung China Actor
10567) Liu Hao Actor
10568) Leo Howard US Actor 13 July 1997
10569) Leo Horsfield Actor
10570) Leo Hueckel-Sliwinski Actor
10571) Leo Houlding Actor
10572) Léo Hinstin Cinematographer
10573) Liu Hui Actor
10574) Lei Wu Actor 26 December 1999
10575) Lou Wagner US Actor 14 August 1948
10576) Lew Wallace US Writer 10 February 1827
10577) Leo White Poland Actor 10 November 1882
10578) Lee Woo-Je Actor
10579) Lee Won Chan Actor 21 August 1973
10580) Lee Won-jong South Korea Actor 1 January 1966
10581) Leo Woodall Actor
10582) Leo Won Make-up Artist
10583) Leo Willis US Actor
10584) Liu Wenbo Actor
10585) Li Wei Writer
10586) Leigh Wyant Actor
10587) Lewie Bartone Actor
10588) Lee Whittaker Director
10589) Lee Westwick Actor
10590) Lee Weaver US Actor 10 April 1930
10591) Li Wake Actor
10592) Llewella Gideon UK Actor 27 September 1967
10593) Lee Wilkof US Actor 25 June 1951
10594) Lee Williams UK Actor 3 April 1974
10595) Llewellyn Hughes Writer
10596) Liu Yu Director
10597) Luoyong Wang Actor
10598) Liya Akhedzhakova Russia Actor 9 July 1938
10599) Liya Bode Writer
10600) Liya Tong Actor