Index: Names start with letter: L

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
10651) Leanne Cherny Actor
10652) Liaodong Sun Actor
10653) Liao Yimei Writer
10654) Lexie D. Bigham Actor 4 August 1968
10655) Leela Patel New Zealand Actor
10656) Linds Edwards Actor
10657) Lynsey Jones Producer
10658) Lynwood Spinks Producer
10659) Linnea Saasen Norway Actor
10660) Lenny Vullo Producer
10661) Li Yuan China Actor 12 June 1973
10662) Leora Owens US Actor 17 November 1964
10663) Leos Stransky Actor 14 June 1968
10664) Lewkowski Yovel Actor
10665) Lee Yoo-young South Korea Actor 8 December 1989