Index: Names start with letter: ف

Order Person Name Nationality Category Date of Birth
11751) Félix Monti Brazil Cinematographer 6 January 1938
11752) Felix Knight Actor
11753) Felix Nechepore Actor
11754) Felix Holtermann Actor
11755) Felix Wiedemann US Cinematographer
11756) Felix Wilding Actor
11757) Felix Wong Actor
11758) Felix Williamson Actor
11759) Félix Lefebvre France Actor
11760) Veli Kiliç Turkey Actor
11761) Vili Matula Actor
11762) Fele Martinez US Actor 22 February 1975
11763) Willie McGinest US Actor
11764) Phelim Drew Ireland Actor
11765) Phelim Kelly Actor
11766) Willem Möller Actor
11767) Velina Brown US Actor
11768) Philine Lembeck Germany Actor
11769) Vilen Babichev Russia Actor 11 May 1971
11770) Philine Peters-Arnolds Germany Actor
11771) Vilen Galstyan Armenia Actor 12 February 1941
11772) Pheline Roggan Germany Actor
11773) Velin Kacharov Actor
11774) Felino Dolloso Actor
11775) Fellini T.P. Director
11776) Villi Hermann Switzerland Producer
11777) Phil Yu Actor
11778) Philaiwan Khamphirathat Actor
11779) Vimarsh Roshan Actor
11780) Vema Reddy Writer
11781) Vimal Actor 25 April 1979
11782) Vimala Pons France Actor 15 March 1986
11783) Vimla Dhaundiyal Actor
11784) Vimala Raman India Actor 23 January 1982
11785) Vimal Gopalakrishnan India Writer
11786) Vimal Verma Actor
11787) Vimal Krishna India Writer
11788) Vimal Kumar Director 19 November 1962
11789) Vimal Mhatre India Actor
11790) Vimalesh Ghodeswar Writer
11791) V. Manikandan Cinematographer 13 January 1968
11792) Fimbawi Bwanjthanasan Thailand Actor
11793) Vimbai Mukwenha Writer
11794) Wim Wenders Germany Director 14 August 1945
11795) Wim Willaert Actor 19 March 1967
11796) Femi Adebayo Actor 31 December 1978
11797) Femi Oguns Producer 28 October 1977
11798) Femi Oyeniran Actor
11799) Femi Branch Nigeria Actor
11800) Vimi Datta Writer