A group of criminals attack a concert and take 300 hostages with the plan to kill everyone as a message to the world, which prompts a former soldier forced to work as a window cleaner to intervene and save the hostages.
After moving into a new suburban house, a family find themselves facing an evil entity that lives within its walls.
As Meredith suffers from postpartum depression and feels that her husband does not understand her, she soon begins to experience terrifying visions of a devastating family tragedy.
With his super armor, Captain America starts to eliminate the evil surrounding the country. Samuel Sterns returns thanks to the blood of Hulk, and he calls himself the leader before he collides with General Thadius Ross who uses Sabra, who has supernatural powers and amazing therapeutic...Read more capabilities.
A real estate agent returns to the life he left behind long ago when an unexpected message appears from his former partner, as his dark past finally catches up with him.
Taking place in Switzerland in the 14th century; a hunter leads his people to rebel against a cruel Austrian king after facing danger and oppression.
As a photographer goes to explore a dilapidated and deserted building, she unexpectedly faces many difficulties and recalls her painful past.
Danny is a veteran hitman with the best years of his career behind him. He gets excited when the organization he works for assigns him a new task, but his excitement is short-lived as he discovers that the task is to train a brilliant, yet cocky young assassin.
The Super Wings team embarks on a new adventure across the sky, as they must confront the villain Billy Willy, who has begun his evil plan to abduct social media influencers and dispatch them into space.
It follows El Dashash, who owns a nightclub and deals with many enemies all the time, but when he is exposed to a crisis that turns his life upside down, he seeks to transform into a better man.
Paddington the bear goes on an exciting adventure into the Amazon forests and the highest mountain peaks after his visit to Aunt Lucy with the Brown family turns into an unforgettable trip.
It follows a black hedgehog named Shadow, who appears and begins to use cunning methods to seek revenge, relying on his extreme intelligence.