After Jackie Chan receives an invitation to adopt Hu Hu, a zoo panda, a renowned international crime gang targets Hu Hu and offers a huge reward for his capture. When faced with this unexpected predicament, Jackie calls upon his agent and Hu Hu's loyal caretaker for assistance. Together, they go on...Read more an extraordinary journey.
A master con artist, Shahinez El Marashli, returns to Egypt after twenty years to reclaim a rare diamond she buried before fleeing the country. But when she discovers that the bodies in the cemetery have been relocated, she must reunite with her children to track down the missing gem—only to realize...Read more that she’s been outplayed in a con of her own.
Hassan, a young man in his thirties, gets involved with Rambo, his dog and his only friend, in a serious accident through no fault of his own. Overnight, he finds himself being chased by his neighbor Karim, which prompts Hassan to search for a safe way to save himself and Rambo from an unknown...Read more fate.
It follows El Dashash, who owns a nightclub and deals with many enemies all the time, but when he is exposed to a crisis that turns his life upside down, he seeks to transform into a better man.
The work revolves around a relationship between a woman suffering from possession and terrifying vampires, who are fascinated by her, which causes a series of endless terrifying events.
The work takes place over a short period of time, not exceeding a few hours, through a group of characters who interconnect, stories intertwined between them, and love that brings them together.
It follows a black hedgehog named Shadow, who appears and begins to use cunning methods to seek revenge, relying on his extreme intelligence.
An architect turns a school into a home for evil entities, and years later an alternate reality game involving a dark ritual takes place when a group of students unleash a swarm of evil spirits into the world.
An unexpected encounter that culminates in a decade-long, profoundly touching romance transforms the lives of an aspiring chef and a recent divorcee, altering them forever.
The events revolve around Dr. Ahmed, who is interested in giving advice to his followers about building character and marital happiness on social media, while he faces problems in his marital life and is surprised when his wife offers her friend to marry him.
During the time of the US pullout from Afghanistan, which is when the documentary takes place, Taliban forces successfully seize control of the Hollywood Gate complex, which served as the American Intelligence Agency's previous headquarters in Kabul.
Now that he is the king of the Pride Lands, Simba wants his cub to follow in his footsteps as he investigates the background of his late father, Mufasa.
The film follows a Russian immigrant named Sergei Kravinoff, who is on a mission to prove that he is the most important and greatest hunter in the world.
Majed, along with his friends and teammates, continues to face more challenges and exciting adventures by playing football, while their personal lives are also witnessing more developments and various changes.
Elphaba, a young lady misunderstood due to her green complexion, has a strange yet deep friendship with Glinda, a student with an unwavering ambition for fame. Their love quickly comes to a crossroads when their lives start to go in very different directions after they meet the Wizard of Oz.