The story follows Riley through adolescence, as she explores new emotions such as Anxiety and Envy.
It focuses on the three children's parents, Ahmed and Isra'a, who lost their jobs as a result of the nation's economic struggles. At this point, when they are unable to support one more kid, Isra'a discovers she is expecting her fourth child.
Harry and his friends set out to destroy Voldemort, so good conquers over evil. Voldemort discovers their plan and the battle begins between the forces of good and evil as events unfold
A magical meteorite lands in Adventure City, endowing everyone there with special abilities that make them superheroes.
When the chaotic archaeologist Tadeo destroys a sarcophagus that casts a spell which puts his friends at risk, he embarks on an adventure along with Sarah to Egypt to try to end the Mummy's curse.